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Baltik Elektro - A reliable partner with international experience.

Baltik Elektro is a leading electrical wholesale company in Latvia, with 30 years of industry experience and 25 years as a member of the Würth Group. The company is known for its strong reputation and enduring values, making it an ideal partner. Baltik Elektro's extensive experience reflects its stability and the trust it has earned from customers. Our warehouse offers a comprehensive range of products and tools for electricians, installers, end-users, and other industry professionals. We also provide specialized and exclusive items, supported by expert consultations from our team of true professionals.

Elektriķa Špikeris - mobīlā aplikācija ios/android

Baltik Elektro izstrādātā aplikācija “Elektriķa špikeris” ir lielisks darba instruments zinoša speciālista rokās. Elektriķa Špikeris sevī ietver: Informāciju par elektroenerģijas pamatiem Formulas, aprēķinus, shēmas Saites par Latvijā esošajiem normatīvajiem aktiem Aplikācijas mērķauditorija ir instalatori, enerģētikas uzņēmumi, elektrotīklu apkalpojošais personāls, arodskolu un augstskolu studenti.


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